버추어 파이터 오피셜 웹 포털
Beginner's Guide!
Understanding Virtua Fighter
버추어 파이터를 처음 접하는 플레이어뿐 아니라 복귀 유저에게도 유용한 게임의 팁이 가득!
캐릭터 가이드
가르침을 주세요! Ryan 도장
비기너 가이드
캐릭터 가이드
버추어 파이터에 등장하는 19명의 캐릭터를 소개!
자신의 플레이 스타일에 맞는 캐릭터를 찾아보자.
Jacky Bryant
Jacky Bryant
Jeffry McWild
Jeffry McWild
Pai Chan
Pai Chan
Lau Chan
Lau Chan
Kage Maru
Kage Maru
Wolf Hawkfield
Wolf Hawkfield
Jean Kujo
Jean Kujo
Sarah Bryant
Sarah Bryant
Lion Rafale
Lion Rafale
Goh Hinogami
Goh Hinogami
El Blaze
El Blaze
Aoi Umenokoji
Aoi Umenokoji
Shun Di
Shun Di
Vanessa Lewis
Vanessa Lewis
Brad Burns
Brad Burns
Akira Yuki
Akira Yuki
캐릭터 가이드
가르침을 주세요! Ryan 도장
비기너 가이드
가르침을 주세요! Ryan 도장
Ryan Hart가 플레이어의 고민을 해결하고 스킬 업을 위한 비법을 전수!
Discord Discord를 통해 질문 모집 중!
Ryan Hart
VF official ambassador
  • Multi Game World Champion
  • 2 × EVO World Champion
  • 300+ Tournaments won worldwide
  • 20+ Years gaming industry experience
  • 5 × Guinness World Record Holder
  • Victorious in over 25 countries
  • World's first sponsored fighting game player
  • Fighting Game Community Pioneer
  • What about special moves?
    What about special moves?
    What is PKG?
    What is PKG?
    Is it better to dash when moving?
    Is it better to dash when moving?
    Blocking is hard!
    Blocking is hard!
    Ring Out How does it work?
    Ring Out How does it work?
    Stagger Pressure
    Stagger Pressure
    Throws cannot instantly be avoided by crouching
    Throws cannot instantly be avoided by crouching
    The key to dodging
    The key to dodging
    What attacks are effective against dodging opponents?
    What attacks are effective against dodging opponents?
    Should I practice the combo first?
    Should I practice the combo first?
    What is pre-entry?
    What is pre-entry?
    What does "frame advantage" mean?
    What is a "guaranteed counterattack"?
    What is a "guaranteed counterattack"?
    What attacks are effective against dodging opponents?
    What is the difference between and ?
    What is the difference between → and →?
    I can't escape the throw well
    I can't escape the throw well
    Should you get up immediately after being knocked down?
    Should you get up immediately after being knocked down?
    What is guard break?
    What attacks are effective against dodging opponents?
    What is a catch throw?
    What is the difference between → and →?
    What is a sabaki?
    What is a sabaki?
    What is a parry stance?
    What is a parry stance?
    캐릭터 가이드
    가르침을 주세요! Ryan 도장
    비기너 가이드
    비기너 가이드
    캐릭터 선택의 요령부터 가드나 기술의 활용법까지, 다양한 궁금증에 대한 1문 1답!
    알기 쉬운 정보와 함께 버추어 파이터를 더욱 재밌게 즐기자!